Let’s Raise Some Dough
For Kids in Need
You may have noticed donation boxes on the counter at your local Lost Pizza Co. They are there to collect donations for the Lost Pizza Foundation and turn your “change” into real change for kids in need. The Lost Pizza Foundation is committed to creating a brighter future for local children fighting cancer and other childhood illnesses by offering financial support to families going through medical treatment. We also offer financial support to organizations committed to the treatment and research of childhood illness. The Lost Pizza Foundation, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that generates funds through donations made by Lost Pizza Co. customers, like you, as well as several fundraising events throughout the year. The Lost Pizza Foundation is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3). All donations made to LPF are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID number is 84-1924298.
To make a donation, click here: donations@lostpizza.com
Other ways Lost Pizza Co. is GETTING LOST in our community-
Lost Pizza Co. loves giving back to the communities we serve. We support a variety of charities throughout the year and our efforts are focused at the local level, in the neighborhoods where we live and work. To be considered, your organization needs to be located near a Lost Pizza Co. and provide services within that area. Each Lost Pizza Co. location is owned and operated individually and all local community involvement is chosen by that location’s owners and management.
Team Sponsorships-
Lost Pizza Co. often sponsors local youth teams. If you think that Lost Pizza Co. might like to partner with your team, give us a shout.
To submit a request, click here: donations@lostpizza.com
Partner with LPC to host a fundraiser for your local organization, group, or charity at Lost Pizza Co.
To submit a request, contact your local Lost Pizza Co. location.
LPC Donations-
Make your charity event pop with food and/or LPC swag and gift cards.
To submit a request, click here: donations@lostpizza.com